Former Prairies Chair, Dr. Annemieke Farenhorst and her team, lead the first University Climate Survey amongst faculty in natural science and engineering fields at select universities in their region in 2018. Atlantic Chair Dr. Franz-Odendaal tailored the survey for her region and ran it in 2018 as well. These surveys aim to understand the perceptions and experiences faculty members have of their workplace. The survey has also been run in the Ontario region by former Chair Dr. Catherine Mavriplis and the results are being analyzed. Below are the published articles based on these surveys:
- Dengate J, Farenhorst A, Peter T, and Franz-Odendaal T. (2021) “Shining Armour”: what Margaret-Ann Armour taught us about equity, diversity, and inclusion and mentorship in the natural sciences. Canadian Journal of Chemistry. e-First
- Dengate, J., Hoffart, R., Peter, T., Farenhorst, A., & Franz-Odendaal, T. (2021). The effect of women academic leaders on Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering faculty. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 51(2). Retrieved from
- Dengate J, Peter T, Farenhorst A, Franz-Odendaal T. (2020). Department Culture in Canadian Sciences & Engineering: An Empirical Test of the Culture Conducive to Women’s Academic Success Model. Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education, 13(2), 175-192.
- Dengate J, Farenhorst A, Peter T. (2019). Sensible or outdated? Gender and opinions of tenure criteria in Canada. Vol 49:2: 1-16. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 49(2), 1-16. Retrieved from
- Dengate J, Peter T, Farenhorst A. (2019). Gender and the faculty care gap. Vol 49:3: 104-114. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 49(3), 104-114. Retrieved from
- Dengate J, Peter T, Farenhorst A, Franz-Odendaal T. (2019). Selective Incivility, Harassment, and Discrimination in Canadian Sciences & Engineering: A Sociological Approach. International Journal of Gender, Science & Technology, 11(2), 332-353. Retrieved from
- Dengate J, Farenhorst A, Peter T, Franz-Odnedaal, T. Gender Inequality in Research and Service amongst Natural Sciences and Engineering Professors in Canada. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 13(1), 23-42. Retrieved from