Diversité des genres 101 livres blancs

Une collection de livres blancs sur divers sujets tels que les micro-agressions, les préjugés inconscients, les stéréotypes, etc. développés par le programme Westcoast Women in Engineering, Science and Technology. Traduit par Chaire pour les femmes en sciences et en génie au Québec.

WWEST Gender Diversity 101 Papers

A collection of white papers on various topics such as microaggressions, unconscious bias, stereotype threat etc. developed by the Westcoast Women in Engineering, Science and Technology program.

EDI Tips for Disruption & Crisis

Recommendations from the NSERC National Network of Charis for Women in Science and Engineering. Supporting EDI during crisis/disruption requires focusing on people; putting people’s diverse needs ahead of the usual institutional processes and rules by first differentiating what is “needed” from what is “wanted”.