The CWSE Network is comprised of the five regional NSERC CWSE’s across Canada, who work towards the same goals of increasing the participation of women and other under-represented groups in the natural sciences and engineering, and to provide role models for these folks who are active in, and considering, careers in these fields.
Le réseau CFSG est composé de cinq CFSG régionales du CRSNG à travers le Canada, qui travaillent vers les mêmes objectifs : augmenter la participation des femmes et d'autres groupes sous-représentés dans les sciences naturelles et le génie et fournir des modèles aux personnes actives dans ces domaines ainsi qu’à celles qui envisagent d’y faire carrière.
NSERC Chairs / Chaires du réseau CFSG du CRSNG
Opportunities and Resources / Offres et ressources
The Co-op Internship Experience in Science and Engineering
Collaborating for Greater Gender Diversity in University Engineering Programs
Featured Events & News /
Événements et nouvelles en vedette

Deconstructing White Paper
Questioned by community members and partner organizations about why we are still using the term “white paper” (also cited and referred to as whitepaper) the Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering (CWSE) Network began a journey of discovery into the history of the term and data gathering on how the term is used and perceived.

Concours du Programme de chaires pour l’inclusion en sciences et en génie (CISG) maintenant ouvert au Québec
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